Cavalier Homes are independently owned and operated new home builders...
… who recognised that buyers were seeking the opportunities of the big builder buying power, but preferred the flexibility and great service of local builders. Having made this the Cavalier Homes model, the business has grown from strength to strength.
Our customers can meet the builder of their home. Our customers can rest assured that the registered builder taking charge of their purchase of a life time will deliver a beautiful, quality built home.
Take comfort in the fact that Cavalier Homes Franchise owners are locals in your community, they probably even shop at the same supermarket as you. For Cavalier Homes, reputation is everything. We take that commitment seriously.
We are rock solid, dependable, consistent. Starting with our people, systems, to our communication, to our buildings we can be relied upon.
From the treatment of our staff, to our clients. From the dealings with suppliers, to our community partnerships, we treat people like family. We are real locals, honest, loyal, fun and act in their best interests.
We love what we do and we have a ball along the way. From singing to the songs on the radio on the worksite, to coming up with innovative styles and designs, our passion shows out and our clients, suppliers, team members all enjoy being part of it.
At every chance we provide little wins for the people associated with Cavalier Homes. We strive for win-win relationships with suppliers, we love seeing staff grow and develop, be rewarded and our clients are constantly surprised. From the expert advice and ideas, to the final delivery of their home, they not only get great value for money, but a service level beyond their expectations.
From investing and upskilling our people, to trialling new technologies, to setting style and design trends we love change, breaking new ground and raising the bar. We motivate and inspire each other to continually improve.
Cavalier Homes is one of New Zealand and Australia’s most progressive and innovative franchised residential building companies.
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Cavalier Homes suppliers
We’re proud to work with well-known and trusted New Zealand and international brands to build quality, stylish homes for our customers. Our suppliers provide high-quality products across our franchise network, ensuring that every home is built to the Cavalier Homes standard.
Visit our Suppliers page to see the companies we trust to help us build your new home.