Before you build a home
Can I get upgraded inclusions?
Yes, Cavalier Homes has a great range of upgrade inclusion options available for you to choose from.
Can I modify a new home plan?
Yes, our new home designs at Cavalier Homes are flexible and can be modified. However, with our large range of pre-designed custom options most of our customers find we already have a pre-drawn solution for them, that has been designed with cost effectiveness, form and function in mind.
Does my builder need to be registered?
The registered builder is ultimately responsible for your new home. At Cavalier Homes all of our offices have their own registered builder.
Do I need a Vendor Information Form or the developer’s guidelines?
When you purchased your section, you should have been provided with a Section 32 which is a legal document detailing the terms and conditions relating to the land block. You are required to provide this document to Cavalier Homes, along with any special requirements stated by the Developer for your land.
Do you have special promotions on your new homes?
At Cavalier Homes we value honesty in building. Our marketing campaigns and promotions offer genuine value for money. You deserve truth, not smoke and mirrors!
There is no established signage on my land. How can I ensure that the block can be clearly identified for you
Cavalier Homes can supply you with a sign to erect on your land showing the owner’s name, and the land address.
How do I choose a new home builder?
There are five main factors to consider.
Your new home design
The quality of your new homes construction
Is the builder a local like you
The price of your new home
What’s included in your price
Your new home design
By choosing a builder that has a large and diverse range of plans you could have a better chance of finding a design that will suit your style and budget. At Cavalier Homes we have over 80 plans with over 200 design combinations allowing you to peronalise any option to suit your individual needs. That’s part of the Cavalier difference.
The quality of your new homes construction
Many large builders take the approach of building to the minimum requirements governing the building industry. We don’t take chances with the quality of your homes construction. Speak to one of our consultants or the actual builder to learn more about the emphasis we place on building you a quality home, and how that differs to many in the industry. That’s part of the Cavalier difference.
Is the builder a local like you?
Whilst this question may sound unusual, its actually very important as it relates to reputation. At Cavalier Homes our Builders are locals, there children probably go to the same school as your children, they may even buy their groceries in the same shop as you. Their reputation for being a great builder in the area is very important to them and one that they go to great lengths to maintain. With some companies you’ll never have the opportunity to meet the registered builder. At Cavalier Homes you can, that’s part of the Cavalier difference.
The price of your new home
At Cavalier Homes we recognise purchasing a new home is probably the biggest personal financial investment you’ll make in your life. We have a philosophy of honesty in pricing. There is no “hidden extra cost” in our pricing. When you combine that with our international buying power, you get great old fashion honest to goodness pricing. That’s part of the Cavalier difference.
What’s included in your price
We understand that everyone is different, just because you want a smaller home may not mean that you want scrimp on your internal fixtures and fittings, equally if you’ve stretched the budget to purchase a large home you may not be able to include extra luxury fittings. We have negotiated products at amazing prices with our suppliers that mean we can offer you three specification levels with each of our homes. That’s part of the Cavalier difference.
What are your site fill and scrape recommendations?
Sometimes your section needs to have fill added in order to build the house on a level surface. If the fill is more than recommended or not compacted as recommended, this can cause problems. Getting a soil test allows Cavalier Homes to give you a more accurate quote for the base of your new home.
What do I have to decide on during the home colour selection meeting?
During you colour selection process, you will select items which form part of our Standard Inclusions, choosing colours from the manufacturers’ range for items such as:
Kitchen and bathroom features and accessories
Tiles for your new kitchen, ensuite and bathroom
External and internal paint
Roof, gutter and fascia
What footings will I require?
There are established guidelines for foundations and footings. Soil Surveys are required together with your planned house design in order to determine this.
Will my new home builder need the slope of my section?
Prior to preparing a contract Cavalier Homes needs to understand the levels of your section. This information is supplied in the survey test.
What things do Cavalier Homes need to know about my section before I can build my new home?
- Will the levels on your site change?
- What are your section levels and contours?
- Are there any retaining walls on yours or neighbouring properties?
- Is sewerage connected to your section?
- Are boundary pegs on the section?
- Is power connected?
- What stage of development are neighbouring properties in?
- Are water and water mains connected?
- Is there a storm water pit?
- Is there a discharge point?
- Is there a gas connection point at the section?
- We need to be sure we are looking at the correct site.
- Is the subdivision complete?
- Is there existing fencing?
- Are there any site barriers?
- Are there trees on your site or adjoining sites?
- Are there footpaths on your site?
- Is there a roll over kerb, a kerb opening or a vehicle crossing point on your site?
- Is there good access to your site, is it steep or will we have access difficulty with excessive water?
Why do I need site levels & contours on my section before I build a new home?
- A tennis court is rarely flat, the same can be said for most sections. Site levels and contour reports show the fall of your land. This information will help Cavalier Homes design the correct structure orientation, location for your new home.
Will my new home builder need the slope of my section?
Prior to preparing a contract Cavalier Homes needs to understand the levels of your section. This information is supplied in the survey test.
Will retaining walls impact the cost of my new home construction?
Existing retaining walls on your lot or your neighbour’s lot can impact your foundation in its design and cost. Any load or stress in the section needs to be allowed for.
Home Builder Jargon
What does Slab Stage mean?
It’s when concrete floor or timber floor is laid.
What is Base Stage?
A home with a concrete floor this stage is reached when the concrete is poured & complete.
A home with a timber floor and base brickwork this stage is reached when the concrete footings for the floor are poured and the base brickwork is built to floor level; A home with a timber floor and no base brickwork this stage is reached when the stumps, piers or columns are completed; (NB: the actual laying of the timber floor is completed at a later stage).
What is Cladding?
Material used on outside of exterior walls.
What is Final Stage?
Final stage is the completion of works for the balance of the Contract.
What is Fix Out?
Fix Out is a claimable stage when all internal cladding, architraves, skirting, doors, built-in shelves, baths, basins, troughs, sinks, cabinets and cupboards of a home are fitted and fixed in position.
What is Frame Stage?
Frame stage is when wall frames and trusses are standing.
What is Handover?
Is once all works are complete and final payments are made the keys are handed over and the owner takes possession.
What is Lock Up/External Stage?
The home’s external wall cladding is fixed, (if a timber base) the timber flooring is laid, roofing is on and external doors are fixed (even if those doors are only temporary).
What is Practical Completion?
Practical Completion is a term used in some states meaning the building works are complete except for minor omissions and defects.
What is ‘Site Start’?
Site start is the building term used to describe the time when building works physically commence on your section.
What is a Planning Permit?
- Planning permits check proposed buildings in comply with town planning guidelines. Reword to Planning permit or Development Application (depending on your state) may be needed to check that proposed building complies with town planning guidelines or to try to obtain approval to deviate slightly from guidelines.
What is an Energy Rating?
Thermal efficiency of home in relation to North, its insulation capability and other factors.
What is a Mono Pitch Roof?
A roof falls all one way it has no hips or ridges.
What is a Slab?
A slab is concrete that forms the base of a building e.g. the foundation/floor.
What is a Soil Test?
It’s when an Engineer determines the soils bearing capability and likelihood of hitting rock.
What happens during Construction
Can I meet the builder?
Surprisingly, many companies don’t have a registered builder that you can easily meet. You’d want to meet a tradesperson before they carry out any work on your place, wouldn’t you? At Cavalier Homes our builders are local like you and are happy to meet with you.
Can I view my new home whilst it’s being built?
Seeing your new home come together is exciting. Visiting your home during construction can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Site visits can be arranged through Cavalier Homes in a way that ensures your safety and those people working on your home.
Will you use local trades people to build my new home?
Yes we do use local Trades people to build your new home. They are often more careful and provide better quality workmanship because they are locals too and they don’t want a bad reputation in the local community. It also provides work for locals boosting the local economy.
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